A great number of users have encountered the same issue. Some users encountered the same error when a request is being made to an https endpoint on Cloudflare. This issue can be extremely frustrating, and it will not allow you to create an SSL/TLS secure channel, so your server setup can not be completed accordingly. In this article, we will explore some of the best-proven methods to try out. Please follow the methods described in this article carefully in order to avoid causing issues.

Here’s what to do to fix the Windows server could not create SSL/TLS secure channel error

1. Set ServicePoint to TLS 1.2

Some users have reported that setting the ServicePoint to TLS 1.2 solved their issue. Follow these steps to do so:

2. Download the Security Advisor update manually

Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 end of support coming in July

3. Enable SSL3 and TLS and add TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 inside the Registry Editor

To enable SSL3 and TLS follow these steps: To add TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2:


We hope that following the methods mentioned above have helped you fix the error Windows server could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. We would love to know if this guide helped you. Please feel free to let us know if it did, or if you have any suggestions, by leaving a comment under this article.


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