Windows Server 2016 is taking way too long to update

Well, that’s not particularly true as many server users are incredibly annoyed with Server 2016 and the time that it takes to update. Here’s what one user says: The problem is not new, and the Windows community is ranting about this for a couple of years, now. Especially server administrators who work with Server 2016 every day. Microsoft has been conservative with the update program and its CPU resource limit, mainly when it comes to Server 2016. A lot of these issues were solved with Server 2019.

Upgrading to Windows Server 2019 solves the updating problems

One solution to  get rid of the waiting time and make thing easier is a in-place upgrade from Server 2016 to 2019: But this can’t always happen, as many companies are not wiling to do the upgrade because of product support and compatibility: Windows Server 2016 is pretty old, and an upgrade to Server 2019 could solve a lot of problems for server administrators. But all this depends on the companies willingness to upgrade their products and the way they’re managing the business.

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