KB4074588 won’t install
If you successfully downloaded KB4074588 on your computer but you got error 0x80070bc2 after restart, well you’re not the only one. Judging by the number of user reports, it seems that this is the most common error that’s preventing users from updating their OS. Unfortunately, fixing it is not an easy task, as this Windows 10 user reports: Other users reported that the update didn’t initialize despite several attempts. There is also a third error that we identified scouring user reports: ‘Couldn’t complete the updates, undoing changes‘. Fortunately, this time we’ve got a good piece of news for you. You can quickly fix this error by following the steps available in this troubleshooting guide. We’ll end this list with error 0x800f0922. WindowsReport has a dedicated troubleshooting guide on how to fix Windows update error 0x800f0922. Do let us know if the instructions available in the respective guide helped you fix the problem. So, as you can see, KB4074588 triggered quite a few install errors on users’ computers. For more information on how to fix various update issues and errors, check out the troubleshooting resources available below:
Fix Windows Update errors with Microsoft’s dedicated tool Windows Updates message gets your computer stuck? Here’s the fix Fix: No Internet Connection after installing Windows updates “This might take several minutes” Windows update error [FIX]
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