Other gamers who were a bit luckier and managed to launch the game, couldn’t advance due to constant crashes. The game developers quickly reacted, acknowledging the crashes. The team also posted a guide aimed at helping gamers to avoid such situations, as well as series of quick workarounds. However, it appears that Microsoft has the ultimate solution to fix Forza Horizon 3 download and install issues. The company invited gamers to download the latest cumulative update for Windows 10, KB3194496, to fix Forza Horizon 3 download issues.
Well, there’s a problem: many users can’t install the update. It seems that Microsoft hasted when it pushed cumulative update KB3194496 to the general public, just one day after the update had been rolled out to Release Preview and Slow Ring Insiders. For the time being, for many users, the only solution to install KB3194496 on their Windows 10 computers is to download the update manually. We should also mention that quite a few users who installed the KB3194496 update complained it broke their mouse and keyboard functionality. However, if you’re experiencing Halo 5 Forge, ReCore, Forza Horizon 3 and Gears of War Pre-order download and install issues, you can download KB3194496 and see if the update indeed fixes these issues. RELATED STORIES YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT:
List of wheels supported by Forza Horizon 3 on Windows 10 PC Microsoft to hold Forza Horizon 3 launch events, Nvidia releases a new game-ready driver KB3186973 fixes major Windows Kernel vulnerability in all Windows editions Download Updates KB3189866, KB3185614, and KB3185611 manually to fix the installation problem
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