We’ll definitely enjoy what Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has to offer when it is released in November, but there’s just something about Battlefield 1 that excites us even more. That’s probably because it is set in an era not touched upon in a long time by a major video game studio. Ever since the rise of the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 over two years ago, games have been set in modern times or in the future. Gamers have become tired of jumping around in jetpacks and fighting robots or humans with superhuman strengths on a yearly basis. They are also slowly becoming bored of games set in today’s time, so DICE and EA made a great decision to turn the clock back and we’re fully certain it will pay off in spades. The trailer looks great, and it seems we might get the chance to cut down our enemies on horseback, too.

Now, many have been championing the death of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare on social media, but that is far from the truth. The reality of the situation is that Battlefield 1 will play second fiddle to what Activision and Infinity Ward has to offer. This is because millions enjoy Call of Duty’s gameplay, so it matters not to them if every game in the franchise takes place on an alien planet where they get to fight giant rock monsters and a robotic planet that sings the blues. Call of Duty games are all about jumping in and experiencing quick enjoyment. This is not the case for Battlefield, seeing as its maps are large and the overall gameplay is more complicated. Not everyone has the time to learn the nuances, which means a quick match in Call of Duty would be more enticing. We haven’t seen much when it comes to gameplay, meaning that despite what trailers have shown, anything is possible when gameplay for both games is revealed next month at E3 2016. Until then, keep calm and bear in mind that while both games are similar due to genre, they are very different in terms of gameplay. RELATED STORIES YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT:

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