Steam conducts this type of survey on a monthly basis. The basic aim of conducting this survey is to keep track of consumer data. The platform wants to keep track of the different hardware and software technologies gamers use on a regular basis. Most importantly, Steam pays attention to the privacy factor and keeps the data of the participants anonymous. Participation in the survey is not mandatory. Furthermore, Steam uses the collected data to make future investment decisions. Therefore, you should participate in the survey if you want Steam to implement your ideas.

Windows 10 dominates the market share

The latest statistics show that Windows OS has managed to grab the highest market share i.e 70%. Moving further, Windows 7 follows (64-bit)is the runner-up with a 21% market share. Window 8.1 64-bit version managed to grab the 3.7 % share.

Let’s discuss the individual market share of Windows, MacOS and Linux. The overall market share of Windows is around 96% which is the highest as compared to others. MacOS is the second popular platform with 2.75%. However, Linux managed to get the attention of only 0.76% users. In other words, we can now see that Windows 10 is now the ultimate choice of the gaming community. It’s definitely a good sign for Microsoft. The company is still struggling with Windows 10 bugs. This is why gamers should not install Windows 10 May Update just yet.

Its time to launch Windows 10 gaming edition

As a matter of fact, the tech giant needs to work on a dedicated gaming OS version on a priority basis. This can help Microsoft to seek the attention of the entire gaming community. It looks like Windows 10 forced upgrade technique worked for Microsoft. As a quick reminder, the end of support deadline for Windows 7 falls in January 2020. Meanwhile, we can not deny the fact that the market share of Windows 7 is surprisingly high. It clearly means that Windows 7 users are not willing to give up on their favorite platform. Only time will tell if the popularity of Windows forces Microsoft to review its decision. What’s your stance on this matter? Share your opinion in the comments section below. RELATED ARTICLES YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT:

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