According to a new report published by Riverbed, the systems of more than two million enterprise devices were analyzed to assess their readiness for Windows 11. Even though everyone had plenty of time to adjust, the operating system’s device requirements still make migration challenging for many companies.

20.75% of work PCs still don’t have TPM

There’s your question answered if you were asking yourself what’s still holding people back from upgrading to Windows 11. Sure, some stick with previous versions of the OS out of pride or fear of the new, but the main reason is still tightly linked with upgrading existing hardware. This recent report finds that still nearly one in five PCs, which is 19.45%, still don’t feature the minimum 64GB storage requirement. Another one in five devices, 20.75%, still does not meet the TPM requirements necessary for the upgrade. Note that half of those, 10.04%, will need to be replaced completely due to the lack of TPM 2.0. Thus, these machines probably run Ryzen 1000 series or Intel 6th/7th gen and older processors. Less than one in four workplace PCs, which is a percentage of 22.29%, can be upgraded to Windows 11, and around half of that, 12.23%, will need total replacement. The publisher of this study also confirms that:

While the benefits of Windows 11 are clear, some of the device requirementswill make a transition challenging. More than a third of devices currently inuse today are not capable of running Windows 11

23% of devices in use today can be upgraded to run Windows 11 but 12% willneed to be replaced entirely.

The requirement of Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 is the leading driverof device replacement. With 10% of devices will need to be replaced dueto a lack of TPM 2.0 and another 11% will need to be upgraded to run TPM2.0 before transitioning to Windows 11.

Nearly 1 out of 5 devices will need to be upgraded with more storage tomeet the minimum 64GB of available storage space to migrate to Windows11.

Small enterprises showed a faster and more drastic response to the Omicronvariant with a 19% increase in the share of remote work beginning in earlyDecember

Prior to the Omicron variant, the share of remote work in Europe haddropped below 60% for the first time since the beginning of thepandemic

Companies need to think ahead before such a move and thoroughly analyze their device fleet prior to a Windows 11 migration. In-depth testing of application performance before a widespread rollout of Windows 11 is also recommended. Don’t overlook the effect of regular OS updates on device and application performance and focus on maintaining flexibility. Have you and your company successfully upgraded to Windows 11 yet? Share your experience with us in the comments section below.

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