The company is very excited about the event. Visual Studio’s Program Manager Amanda Silver said: “I’m excited to announce the upcoming release of Visual Studio 2019 on April 2, 2019, at the Visual Studio 2019 Launch Event.” On a quick note, Visual Studio is an integrated development environment to develop different programs, apps, and websites. The tool uses different programming languages to provide a proficient code editing and code debugging environment. The current Visual Studio version is Visual Studio 2017 with version number 15. But it is just a few months ahead to the release of Visual Studio 2019 preview 2 with the latest version 16 scheduled on April 2nd. The company claims that April 2nd has “something for everyone, whether you are a developer who uses C# or C++, or Python or targets the web.” Microsoft promises this new version to be stable, easier and efficient for everyone. It further says that the 2019 version is designed to work efficiently in collaboration with the existing Visual Studios. If we cast a light on the features, then many new features are added to the 2019 version to maximize the developer yield and team collaboration. Studio 2019 proffers:
Rationalized look with an improved blue bright look. Improved search and automatic downloading of IDE updates. More advanced refactoring capabilities so that the users can easily improve the design and internal structure of existing code or can change the software system without affecting the external structure.
Besides, smarter debugging than the versions 2013, 2017 and 2017 is incorporated for the users to easily locate and remove errors in computer programs. But the list does not end here. Visual Studio 2019 also makes use of Al-assisted IntelliSense. This enhanced feature filters the frequently used words to the top of the list to improve developer productivity. Version 16 delivers new features for different languages such as C++(it saves time, binary compatibility with other Visual Studios, code analysis check, lifelike profile checker etc.) , C# (8.0 additions,), F#(faster solution through 4.6 language), Python and NET(sync names ,space , folder name and snapchat debugger) Microsoft had announced the Visual Studio 2019 in June last year. The third preview of the program was made available a few days ago and the company says that it would continue to offer more preview updates before the project is available for everyone. RELATED POSTS TO CHECK OUT:
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