The Rise of the Horde update

The Rise of the Horde features 15 brand new Horde Skills, meaning 3 new skills per Class, Level 6 skills, Loot Drops, tuning changes and two new difficulty levels. This update also includes a long list of new features and improvements that will definitely enhance the Gears of War 4 gaming experience.

New skills to specialize the way you play your class


Flow – Takes reduced damage while repairing fortifications Overclock – Increases the rate at which Weapon Lockers replenish ammo Salvage – Enemies may often drop ammo magazines when killed


Thick Skin – Takes reduced damage from explosions Berserker – When carrying heavy weapons, you deal more damage as your health gets lower Last Stand – When carrying heavy weapons, you take less damage as your health gets lower


Dodge – Takes reduced damage while roadie running Speed Loader – Reloads your equipped weapon automatically with Active Reload rounds Cloak – Being stationary and in cover for seconds will cloak you from enemies


Steady Hand – Takes less damage and has reduced camera shake Magic Bullet – Critical hits with precision rifles penetrate through enemies increasing the damage of the next shot Called Shot – Targets you mark take increased damage from all sources


Siphon – Planted grenade kills cause enemies to drop more Power Resupply – Regenerates one grenade every [X] seconds Assault Rifle Accuracy – Assault Rifles become more accurate the longer they are fired while in cover.

Try GoW4 for free

From June 9th until June 15th, you can play GoW4 for free for up to 10 hours with access to the entire first Act of the Campaign and full access to the Horde and Versus experiences.

New difficulty levels: Inconceivable and IronMan

In Horde, Inconceivable is a step up from Insane: you’ll be even weaker and your enemies will be that much stronger. You can unlock Inconceivable Difficulty for Horde by beating 50 consecutive waves of Insane. In Campaign, Inconceivable focuses on survival, giving you less health than Insane difficulty but also less health to your enemies. You can unlock Inconceivable Difficulty for Campaign by beating the Campaign on Insane. Ironman Mode comes to both Horde and Campaign with Rise of the Horde. Your main task is this mode is to stay alive. In Campaign, one death will restart your game while in Horde, one failed wave ends your run to Wave 50.

500G of new achievements

The Rise of the Horde brings 20 new achievements, offering an extra 500G total Gamerscore.

Crossplay comes to Ranked

Xbox One and Windows 10 players can now battle to earn the highest rank possible. The Crossplay Toggle enables Xbox One players to choose whether or not to match with Windows 10 players.

Wings return to GoW 4

Five new Wings levels await you and each takes longer than the one before it. Wings 1-5 brings you a Black Gold Starting Weapon Skin set to collect. Wings 5 offers you the Wings Custom Lancer, the only Custom Lancer skin in the game.

Two new maps: Avalanche and Rust Lung

Sounds interesting? Hit the play button now! RELATED STORIES YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT:

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