By default, the interactive SDK shows code samples for features that are available in the release branch of the SDK. If you go to the version drop-down in the top right corner of the page, you will be able to switch between release, experimental and frozen versions of the map control. The experimental branch includes the latest code samples for new features that are currently in the development process and that are being tested. The frozen branch may include fewer code samples than the release branch, and this happens because features are released less often to maintain a stable branch without the latest features.

What’s new in the Bing Maps V8 Summer Update

GeoXml Module: You can now easily import and export standard spatial file formats such as KML, KMZ, GeoRSS, GML (via GeoRSS) and GPX. You can load it as a layer on the map or directly access the data with just a few code lines. Ground Overlays: You can now overlay geo-referenced images on top of the map, and you will see that they will move and scale as you pan and zoom the map. This is ideal for overlaying old maps, building floor plans, or for imagery from a drone.

LocationRect class improvements: Two new static methods have been added to the LocationRect class. The first one aka fromShapes allows you to generate a LocationRect from an array of shapes easily. The second one is called merge, and it makes it very easy to combine two LocationRect objects to create the minimum bounding LocationRect. TypeScript Definitions are updated, and now they can provide additional details around API changes that have occurred as part of this release. RELATED STORIES TO CHECK OUT:

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